Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ash Wednesday & My Birthday

About 2 weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were discussing our birthdays and birthday parties. She is now 14 and so was more interested in a super-fun friend-inviting bash, of course. As we were talking, we discovered that her birthday fell on Mardi Gras... perfect, a Mardi Gras party celebrating her birth. How fun! We soon discovered that my own day of birth happened to fall, this year, on Ash Wednesday. An Ash Wednesday-themed party? How fun?! I was skeptical...

I've thought about the contrasting parties (not ever seriously considering having an Ash-Wednesday themed party, by the way) and laughed a lot since our quick talk. Man, she got all the luck between the two of us, I thought and smiled. But then, it dawned on me. What a great day to celebrate, actually, as I considered what I would do/"give up" for Lent. This year, Lent will be a celebration of my birth, birthrights, and creation.

I believe the general idea of Lent is to "give up" something that is important to you with the idea that one is creating space for a greater spiritual awakening. An opportunity for the Living Spirit of God to take up residence in each of us. Generally, I don't like the idea of "giving up". It sounds like I've been defeated before I've even begun. I do better thinking of it as an "offering"... just a personal preference.

So, this year, I've decided to "offer" my time to God. Of all the ways in which I withhold my life from God, prevent myself from entering into the realm of Spiritual Living, my schedule and to-do list are tops. I can bind myself to scheduling my time and getting this/that done in a certain time frame, thereby accomplishing "something". If I accomplish "something", my life must be full and complete. "Not so" SPIRIT would say. It is only in living and breathing peace, love, and harmony in a spirit of thanksgiving, that we are truly alive. Accomplishments and this/that must fade away to grasp the true nature of life and living.

Thus, I am offering my time for the next 40 days. I will offer 30 minutes a day of time to intentially be alone with God, especially giving thanks. Maybe 30 minutes at once, maybe 3 10-minute breaks, maybe 30 1-minute stretches of immense thankfulness. I hope that through this offering of time, an aspect of life that separates me from god, I will become more mindful of my own Spirit and the Great Spirit co-existing at all times, in all places.

May you be blessed in your journey of Lent, whatever that may be.
Peace and Hope, Trish

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Am Celebrating...BIGTIME!

This week's post is very brief. I missed writing last week as all of my technological and computer-based efforts were directed toward completing one task... a youth ministry webpage.

It is done. I am ecstatic. I hope you love it and USE IT! I kind of hope your impressed... is that vanity or pride??? (OOPS! oh well... ) OR (they are one in the same)

Peace to you and yours, Trish

PS If you were waiting for some words about the Jr. Retreat, you can find them on the webpage, under the retreat tab, along with pictures, and soon, videos of the weekend.!!!!! I'm so happy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 6-8 in Brewer, Maine... CREATE PEACE!

Hi Guys and Gals!
I thought you might be interested in what we are doing in Brewer this weekend. It's our first retreat of 2009. We're attempting to garner as many 3-5 graders as we can to celebrate, have fun, make friends, and learn under the theme Create Peace!
Here is our weekend agenda... next week's blog will feature highlights. There will also be a video-highlight reel of the weekend on Facebook on our NEMCY group... New England Mission Center Youth. Peace Out! Trish

Create Peace
Junior Retreat in Brewer, Maine; Friday, Feb 6 to Sunday Feb 8
Schedule is a guideline. Time’s can be adjusted as “the spirit moves”.

Friday Evening
7:00-8:30: Settle in, Introductions, Getting To Know You for youth/staff, Cookie Decorating
8:30-9:00: Snack, Introduce Theme and weekend agenda, What is Peace-Seeking?
To 9:30ish: Campfire
By 10: Lights Out; Big Day tomorrow!

7:30: Rise and Shine
7:45: Breakfast, Clean Up, DRESS WARMLY!!!
By 8:30: Leave for Hermon Mountain
9-11:30: Snow Tubing at Hermon Mountain
12:00: Lunch at Church and Clean Up
1:00: Leave for Great Skates
1:30-4:30: Great Skates Fun & Games
5:00: Supper at Dysart’s
6:30-7:00: “What is Peace-Seeking?” Part II
7 – 9: Creating Peace Activities & Crafts
9:30: Lights Out

Sunday Morning
7:30: Rise ‘n Shine
8:00: Breakfast, Clean Up and Area Clean Up
9 – 10: Post Retreat Interviews/ Song Practice / Peace-Seeking Part III
10-12 Sunday School & Church