People. Our church is awesome.
Seriously rock your world, change your life, make you a richer person, awesome.
I just came off of a weekend with 17 kids that can (and maybe will) attest to that thought.
But it’s more than just fun and games and youth ministry awesome. I just came out of my 2nd classes in Introduction to Buddhism and Introduction to New Testament thinking how stinkin’ cool our church is. It has prepared me to fully enter into the dialogues of both of these classes with more than a complete beginner’s understanding of them. Friends, my experiences in this church have prepared me to be an important contributing member of discussions on issues of world religions, approaches to understanding and interpreting scripture, listening for the voice of God in my life/other’s lives, spiritual formation, the path of discipleship, acceptance and EMBRACING another’s viewpoint as equally valid as my own, and more.
Beyond that, when questions arise about what to do with scriptures that appear to contradict one another and what to do when 2 people come at an issue from apparent polar opposite ends of the spectrum where ne’er the 2 shall meet, I have experience in trust, listening, and discernment in a world church that gives me something to ADD to the conversation. (Clearly, it is not only the church that has shaped me for this study right now. I have family, friends, other experiences, and my own personality, BUT this church has allowed me freedom to grow into my own tested faith. It has that potential for all of us.)
There are people in this class that are reading things about scripture that are blowing their minds. They’ve come to class from fairly naïve understandings of scripture. They’ve never considered more open, scholarly, fair approaches to reading and interpreting. They’ve not been exposed to preaching that gives life to the scriptures that can then become Holy. They’ve not been exposed to embracing the person/opinion that irritates them the most. They’ve not been exposed to looking at scripture as a map.
We’re got some truly great things going. Man, we gotta live it out more and share it.
But not preaching, no. Who said it? “Preach love. Use words if you must.” We can do that. We sure can. But keep in mind though, our belief in education and study to help us understand and live a more fully Connected life are amazing.
Preach love. Use words to illuminate that message and free the minds of the lost and wandering.
We, as a church, are not messing around when it comes to taking our faith and journey both seriously/theologically/scholarly AND spiritually/transformatively/relationally. And we mix in fellowship, fun, potluck, and campfire to inform them all.
People. Our church is awesome.
Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace… that we all might share. ~T