Good morning, guys and gals!
Let me say, with utmost sincerity, I miss you and I miss our very lovely and funny community!
I promise this will be a short message, but please read it, ok?
Here's the thing:
As many of you know, I'm in Seminary now. (That means I'm in graduate school studying for my Masters of Divinity.) Like you all, I'm a student again!!! (How was your back to school day yesterday?)
I'm learning all sorts of new things, and it makes me think of you and our youth program every day. I think of you, camps, retreats, God, church, and community, and it always raises questions in me. Camps are really special. Why? Retreats always make us feel so happy again. Why? We always look forward to those events, don't we? What is it that keeps us coming back?
I always say it's about friendship. And you all are the very best of friends. It's inspiring, and you are my friends (in a way), too. But there's something more...
I think what brings us back, again and again (in addition to friends!) is that we know there is a way of being together that is unique and special. When we gather, it is with an expectation that things will be different. We will accept each other. We will love and laugh with one another. We will play and have no worries. We will support.
Our community gives us a glimpse of another way of living. Our community gives us hints and clues of something special? Is it just friendship or is there something more?
What do you think? and feel? and know?
Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace... that we all might share! Trish