Hey All!
It's great to be writing again. It is December 17... 8 little and hopefully wonderful days until Christmas. May your days be merry and bright!, I wish for you.
Well, Amy Grant and I just finished washing the dishes from yesterday... the day that I did my best attempt to emulate Martha Stewart. I cooked 8 dozen cookies, hosted a wrapping party for our brand new youth group, attended a cookie swap, and prepared a lovely supper, though I do say so myself!, for my boyfriend when he arrived before we went to see Four Christmases at the movie theater. I even wore an apron yesterday as I invented my own cookie. For those of you who know me well, pick up your jaw and/or stop your disbelief! The cookies were delish!! And this time, others said so, not just me. =]
Just after the youth had left, I found myself thinking as I was washing out their mugs of hot chocolate and fluff, "This has been one of the happiest days of my life." And it truly was. I was surrounded by Christmas music and people of all ages that I have known and loved and some I just met. I had the great joy of welcoming kids and adults into my house and watching them as they had a great time wrapping tons of presents to donate to a local charity. And I cooked... always an endeavor which is all at once scary, exhilarating, relaxing, and nerve-wracking, if that is a possible combination!
I mention this because I have had that thought so many days throughout this fall... "This has been one of the happiest days of my life." I am so certain it is largely because of this new job, in which I am always surrounded by music, people I know and love, meeting new people, building friendships and community around solid values, giving of all we have, and trying things which can be scary, exhilarating, relaxing, nerve-wracking, but mostly peace-filled in the midst of it all.
My faith has been deeply strengthened, and I want to share briefly with you some of what has occurred inside me in the past month. My last blog post was November 14th, sometime around the 20th, it seemed that God stopped working inside me. Instead of the easy flow of Spirit I generally experience, it was as if all communication stopped between me and God, Source, the Magnificence, whatever name you prefer. (Perhaps that would have been the appropriate time for me to reach out through this blog... ) For about 2 weeks, I felt like that. Then, everyone around me was sick with something... pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infections, flu, cold, snot, cough, sneeze, and complete exhaustion. Of course, I got sick. For about a week, it was the utter exhaustion I felt the most. I slept, read, and watched tv as those around me fell one-by-one to different diagnoses and medications. Finally, with a work trip coming up to Connecticut, I went to the doctor... ear infections and likely pneumonia... amoxicillin and sleep, the answer.
So, here I am, one month later, having just experience one of the happiest days of my life. What strikes me the most about that L O N G month is this, there was never a moment in which I felt alone. I knew the entire time, each second, that God was in me, with me, surrounding me and everyone else. It was just my experience of that Divine that was so different. And I think I'm understanding more of what Faith is. My Faith does not inform me that sometime in the future things will be different, better, more enjoyable, perhaps easier. Instead, it is that no matter what the circumstance, God is there and All is as it is. Good and Bad fall away, rendered un-necessary at the feet of Faith. Judgment is a huge stumbling block; Faith the dynamite that blows it away. Additionally, I am moved by the power that resides in building friendships and relationships... forming community. I feel my place in the world so strongly tied to the experiences of others, and it gives me a solid place to belong.
In short, I am deeply thankful for each of you, reading this. Clearly, you have meant something to me. You have helped define me, refine me, and open me up to Life and True Faith.
I'm off to light my advent wreath... one candle each for love, peace, and hope. It is a tradition I cherish.
Merry Christmas. Peace and Hope, Trish
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
New Focus: Seeing God in Others
Hey All,
So I'm the type of person who has no problem admitting to being both totally human and totally made of God. And I believe we all are. I say this because in my humanity, I'm currently driving myself nuts! :-) But I know that God is just around the corner... and still inside me.
I'm actually a very coordinated person, though sometimes my big Cadillac of a body can get muddled. And, I'm quite organized. Well, in the past few days, I've taken to breaking, spilling, and losing things... and not just my own. I was visiting with a terrific family of four in Cape Elizabeth last weekend. Arrived on Saturday to a turkey dinner before their daughter's play that night. They had a place set for me in their goreous home, and it was a lovely meal. As it was ending, and the kids were getting ready to head out the door, I, Sasquatch that I am, made a sweeping gesture and proceeded to knock the full dish of cranberry sauce on to their rug. (The dog was the only one to appreciate this!) The next morning, the Mom took me out to breakfast. She got a coffee to go. As we were leaving, I opened the door for another couple and in a gesture of unnecessary but fun hospitality, waved for them to come right in... promptly hitting my friend's cup of coffee toward her chest. The coffee began to fly, but she caught it, thankfully.
I've forgotten my keys twice and my cell phone twice. One of the cell phone mishaps cost me 60 extra miles of interstate driving. And a little while ago, I knocked a beautiful friendship Willow Tree sculpture that one of my best friend's gave me into the floor. I Gorilla Glue'd her head back on, only to realize as I was looking at her the other day that her hand is among the missing! I burst into a fit of laughter, knowing that I had taken such care with her head.
I have two sayings in my head. One common, "You might's well laugh as to cry." Today, I'm having an easier time laughing at myself. But it's been a frustrating few days, to say the least! I think all the clumsiness is indicative of my Spirit being all jumbled up... I can't seem to get out of my own way. The other saying is one from my grandmother, "Laughing turns to crying." Been there... as you will well know if you've been following the blog. This week's entry is in stark contrast to the last.
Thankfully, I have family and friends and faith. I know that when things are just bananas inside me, God can speak to me from all kinds of other places. Let's take my niece and nephew for example. I was playing with my niece yesterday and had to take off. I said, "How about a hug?" "No," she explained, "I want to play my game." This was fine, but I really needed some love. Tentatively, I offered, "How about a kiss?" She gave me a huge grin and I offered my cheek to receive one of the greatest kisses ever. Thanks Ella, for reflecting God to me. And then my nephew, I called home two nights ago to talk with Mom. I heard him in the background, screaming with glee, "I'm Batman! I'm Batman!" listening to his theme song. Oh, the joy! Thanks, Brev, for reflecting God to me.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and cold weather are on the way. There are so many good organizations in place to assist those who are less financially fortunate. I see enough God (Good) in all that I'm moved to do my part in taking care of this and these beautiful creation(s). And I know, that in looking for God all around, my Spirit will straighten out, too.
Peace and Love, Trish
So I'm the type of person who has no problem admitting to being both totally human and totally made of God. And I believe we all are. I say this because in my humanity, I'm currently driving myself nuts! :-) But I know that God is just around the corner... and still inside me.
I'm actually a very coordinated person, though sometimes my big Cadillac of a body can get muddled. And, I'm quite organized. Well, in the past few days, I've taken to breaking, spilling, and losing things... and not just my own. I was visiting with a terrific family of four in Cape Elizabeth last weekend. Arrived on Saturday to a turkey dinner before their daughter's play that night. They had a place set for me in their goreous home, and it was a lovely meal. As it was ending, and the kids were getting ready to head out the door, I, Sasquatch that I am, made a sweeping gesture and proceeded to knock the full dish of cranberry sauce on to their rug. (The dog was the only one to appreciate this!) The next morning, the Mom took me out to breakfast. She got a coffee to go. As we were leaving, I opened the door for another couple and in a gesture of unnecessary but fun hospitality, waved for them to come right in... promptly hitting my friend's cup of coffee toward her chest. The coffee began to fly, but she caught it, thankfully.
I've forgotten my keys twice and my cell phone twice. One of the cell phone mishaps cost me 60 extra miles of interstate driving. And a little while ago, I knocked a beautiful friendship Willow Tree sculpture that one of my best friend's gave me into the floor. I Gorilla Glue'd her head back on, only to realize as I was looking at her the other day that her hand is among the missing! I burst into a fit of laughter, knowing that I had taken such care with her head.
I have two sayings in my head. One common, "You might's well laugh as to cry." Today, I'm having an easier time laughing at myself. But it's been a frustrating few days, to say the least! I think all the clumsiness is indicative of my Spirit being all jumbled up... I can't seem to get out of my own way. The other saying is one from my grandmother, "Laughing turns to crying." Been there... as you will well know if you've been following the blog. This week's entry is in stark contrast to the last.
Thankfully, I have family and friends and faith. I know that when things are just bananas inside me, God can speak to me from all kinds of other places. Let's take my niece and nephew for example. I was playing with my niece yesterday and had to take off. I said, "How about a hug?" "No," she explained, "I want to play my game." This was fine, but I really needed some love. Tentatively, I offered, "How about a kiss?" She gave me a huge grin and I offered my cheek to receive one of the greatest kisses ever. Thanks Ella, for reflecting God to me. And then my nephew, I called home two nights ago to talk with Mom. I heard him in the background, screaming with glee, "I'm Batman! I'm Batman!" listening to his theme song. Oh, the joy! Thanks, Brev, for reflecting God to me.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and cold weather are on the way. There are so many good organizations in place to assist those who are less financially fortunate. I see enough God (Good) in all that I'm moved to do my part in taking care of this and these beautiful creation(s). And I know, that in looking for God all around, my Spirit will straighten out, too.
Peace and Love, Trish
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Weekly Focus: Channeling Inspiration into Planning
Hi All,
Last weeks focus was in prayer. Friday morning, I was supposed to be taking a taxi and then a bus to Portland, ME and then an airplane to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thursday I was dizzy all day long... not a great omen, but these things sometimes come and go, right? Well, this one came and stayed. Friday, 5:30 am, I pulled myself out of bed, nauseous, tired, and bordering on desperate that prayer would save me for the trip. I lasted about 5 minutes before coming quickly out of "child's pose" and sprinting straight to the bathroom for "hurler's pose"... I much prefer the former to the latter. Well, after 4 days of "physical blah" I am fully out of it. And thank God for keeping me right here in Maine. It was and is exactly where I needed to be. No big surprise!
See, I was supposed to be getting inspired at National Youth Worker's Convention, sponsored by Youth Specialties, a powerful advocate and organization for working with youth. Instead, the Most Powerful Force saw fit to leave me capable of desiring only three things, chicken and dumplings (prepared specially for me by my most incredible Brock!), healing (precious prayer and the company of only closest loved ones that could just let me recover), and a great book. It turns out, I found perfect inspiration out of my heart's desires right here in Maine. No big surprise!
I put myself in a place to get all three.
It's amazing to me how simple it is to be inspired, and how much I desire for others to have that experience. My working definition of inspiration is living in-spirit, thanks to the inspired writing of Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," in which I spent my last 3 days completely immersed. I have known, all the while, that I had things that needed to be done. Stuff to accomplish. Work goals to get to. But I also knew that I needed time to be well, be easy on myself and the world, and be with Spirit. I have frequently, throughout the reading of this book and my time in prayer, caught the thought, "Can life really be this peaceful? Can "work" really be this easy?" I thought the answer was yes, but I wasn't sure until last night when I stepped into the shower, a place where so many of my inspiring ideas come to my conscious thinking.
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. There they were. Answers, ideas, a sermon, and this blog post. Effortless. Peace-filled. And Inspiring. Perfectly connected to the past, the present, and the future. Yes, Life In-Spirit is simple and wonderful. Trust it.
So, this week my focus is riding the current wave of inspiration flowing through me to plan up-coming youth and young adult events. I already have many ideas, including reading the book I mentioned with others, an on-line group. I welcome any others ideas as well. Please, share anything you are thinking. Thanks to prior preparation, I'm reading to receive and give. I'm a pretty clear channel now. Share. The wave is an Righteous Ride, Dude! (Sorry, it was too tempting to not say it!)
How do I rate this week's focus, Channeling Inspiration into Planning?
Difficulty Level? Low
Fun Level? Super-High
Spiritual Growth? I don't know if I care about growing anymore. It's just a good life!
Last weeks focus was in prayer. Friday morning, I was supposed to be taking a taxi and then a bus to Portland, ME and then an airplane to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thursday I was dizzy all day long... not a great omen, but these things sometimes come and go, right? Well, this one came and stayed. Friday, 5:30 am, I pulled myself out of bed, nauseous, tired, and bordering on desperate that prayer would save me for the trip. I lasted about 5 minutes before coming quickly out of "child's pose" and sprinting straight to the bathroom for "hurler's pose"... I much prefer the former to the latter. Well, after 4 days of "physical blah" I am fully out of it. And thank God for keeping me right here in Maine. It was and is exactly where I needed to be. No big surprise!
See, I was supposed to be getting inspired at National Youth Worker's Convention, sponsored by Youth Specialties, a powerful advocate and organization for working with youth. Instead, the Most Powerful Force saw fit to leave me capable of desiring only three things, chicken and dumplings (prepared specially for me by my most incredible Brock!), healing (precious prayer and the company of only closest loved ones that could just let me recover), and a great book. It turns out, I found perfect inspiration out of my heart's desires right here in Maine. No big surprise!
I put myself in a place to get all three.
It's amazing to me how simple it is to be inspired, and how much I desire for others to have that experience. My working definition of inspiration is living in-spirit, thanks to the inspired writing of Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," in which I spent my last 3 days completely immersed. I have known, all the while, that I had things that needed to be done. Stuff to accomplish. Work goals to get to. But I also knew that I needed time to be well, be easy on myself and the world, and be with Spirit. I have frequently, throughout the reading of this book and my time in prayer, caught the thought, "Can life really be this peaceful? Can "work" really be this easy?" I thought the answer was yes, but I wasn't sure until last night when I stepped into the shower, a place where so many of my inspiring ideas come to my conscious thinking.
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. There they were. Answers, ideas, a sermon, and this blog post. Effortless. Peace-filled. And Inspiring. Perfectly connected to the past, the present, and the future. Yes, Life In-Spirit is simple and wonderful. Trust it.
So, this week my focus is riding the current wave of inspiration flowing through me to plan up-coming youth and young adult events. I already have many ideas, including reading the book I mentioned with others, an on-line group. I welcome any others ideas as well. Please, share anything you are thinking. Thanks to prior preparation, I'm reading to receive and give. I'm a pretty clear channel now. Share. The wave is an Righteous Ride, Dude! (Sorry, it was too tempting to not say it!)
How do I rate this week's focus, Channeling Inspiration into Planning?
Difficulty Level? Low
Fun Level? Super-High
Spiritual Growth? I don't know if I care about growing anymore. It's just a good life!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekly focus: Prayer
Hey there.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I've been driven to my knees many times before by the overwhelming feeling I had nowhere else to go."
I think that Abe Lincoln had a lot more on his plate, so to speak, than I do. Still, I find myself drawn to prayer in a similar fashion. It is a longing, a desire, like I, my soul, spirit, emotions, and physical body, need it for nourishment as much as my body needs water and food. I don't feel complete without it, lately. Probably Old Abe needed it to lighten his "plate", take some of the weight off. I need it to fill my plate so I can take it in. And now, this is probably going to sound really odd... but I'm not just drawn to a couple of quick prayers shot up as I quickly buzz throughout my day. Quite to the contrary...
One time, about 7 or 8 years ago, I had the great privilege of going to an Islamic mosque (I'm quite certain it was called a mosque.) It was meant to be an educational experience. Yes, the girls had to cover our faces. And no, we were not allowed to enter the area where only men are allowed. We watched from an "observation deck" up above. The man in charge spent a great deal of his time telling the men and boys why Islam was superior, as a faith and religion, to Christianity. One of his argueing points was this; "Muslims pray prostrate on the floor, forehead touching, arms outstretched, resting on our ankles, the way the Bible teaches us to pray," he said. As a prayer posture it stuck with me.
So now, as I contemplate and activate prayer and the surge of attraction I have to it, I find myself, at least once a day, in child's position (the yoga term for it) on the floor, for extended periods of time. It is truly amazing how calm, grounded, and centered I feel when I come out of this position. Of course, I can't walk for a few minutes, but it's worth it. So, this is my focus this week. It chose me.
I thought for a few days before writing this post. I thought, this may sound over-the-top, bizarre, not like something a real person would do. Here's the answer I received.
I am me. I am real. This is who I am. If I'm going to truly share my experience with my friends and family, why would I share a fake one? Besides, the sheer joy and profound peace I have found through prayer these past few days is so worth sharing. And so, as I write, I pray for anyone who is reading to have a moment of complete and peaceful self-acceptance.
Amen... So be it.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I've been driven to my knees many times before by the overwhelming feeling I had nowhere else to go."
I think that Abe Lincoln had a lot more on his plate, so to speak, than I do. Still, I find myself drawn to prayer in a similar fashion. It is a longing, a desire, like I, my soul, spirit, emotions, and physical body, need it for nourishment as much as my body needs water and food. I don't feel complete without it, lately. Probably Old Abe needed it to lighten his "plate", take some of the weight off. I need it to fill my plate so I can take it in. And now, this is probably going to sound really odd... but I'm not just drawn to a couple of quick prayers shot up as I quickly buzz throughout my day. Quite to the contrary...
One time, about 7 or 8 years ago, I had the great privilege of going to an Islamic mosque (I'm quite certain it was called a mosque.) It was meant to be an educational experience. Yes, the girls had to cover our faces. And no, we were not allowed to enter the area where only men are allowed. We watched from an "observation deck" up above. The man in charge spent a great deal of his time telling the men and boys why Islam was superior, as a faith and religion, to Christianity. One of his argueing points was this; "Muslims pray prostrate on the floor, forehead touching, arms outstretched, resting on our ankles, the way the Bible teaches us to pray," he said. As a prayer posture it stuck with me.
So now, as I contemplate and activate prayer and the surge of attraction I have to it, I find myself, at least once a day, in child's position (the yoga term for it) on the floor, for extended periods of time. It is truly amazing how calm, grounded, and centered I feel when I come out of this position. Of course, I can't walk for a few minutes, but it's worth it. So, this is my focus this week. It chose me.
I thought for a few days before writing this post. I thought, this may sound over-the-top, bizarre, not like something a real person would do. Here's the answer I received.
I am me. I am real. This is who I am. If I'm going to truly share my experience with my friends and family, why would I share a fake one? Besides, the sheer joy and profound peace I have found through prayer these past few days is so worth sharing. And so, as I write, I pray for anyone who is reading to have a moment of complete and peaceful self-acceptance.
Amen... So be it.
How do I rate this weeks focus? Prayer
Difficulty Level: Medium High... It's hard to calm down sometimes. Difficult to always know how or for what to pray
Fun Level: Prayer? Fun? Hmm... It makes life more enjoyable!
Spiritual Growth?: Who cares! It feels great!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Be calm: New weekly focus
Hey there! Ok, so I've decided to challenge myself, focus myself I should say, each week by paying close attention to a certain dynamic of life. For example, patience, honesty, family relationships, etc... Not a totally original idea, I know, but I feel I want the intentionality and discipline in my life. This week... be calm.
I knew it was right because soon after it rose to my consciousness, I looked at my ever-insightful Yogi tea tag. It said, "To remain calm is the highest achievement of human existence." Aha! Off I go on my journey to be calm.
5 minutes later, I pile in to my car ready to leave for Mattawamkeag for 3 days. No keys. I go back inside, no keys on my key rack. I've cleaned the house this morning and haven't seen them around. Hmmm, I think to myself, looking up at the spacious ceiling of my bright yellow kitchen. I raise my finger to a tricky God/Source of All, give a wink and say, "Bring it on" as I feel my anxiety rise ever-so-slightly.
I take a deep breath, exhale slowly and let the anxiety pass. Where else do I ever put my keys? Yes, I knowingly nod and smile. The hidden pouch of my bag, easy access so they don't get lost in the shuffle of who-knows-what that I carry around each day. (Never knowing what I'll want, I take it all.) I CALMLY stroll, strolling seems calmer than walking :), to my car, grab my bag, and yes, there they are. One for me, tricky, tricky Challenger.
This weekend, I go to my home, Beals Island, to stay with my parents. Always great to be there. Always over-stimulating. Easy to get caught up... "Bring it on... but not too much."
How do I rate this weeks focus? Be calm
Difficulty Level: High
Fun Level: Low
Spiritual Growth?: Most certainly
Have a great week! And look for some blessings... they'll be there. ~ Trish
I knew it was right because soon after it rose to my consciousness, I looked at my ever-insightful Yogi tea tag. It said, "To remain calm is the highest achievement of human existence." Aha! Off I go on my journey to be calm.
5 minutes later, I pile in to my car ready to leave for Mattawamkeag for 3 days. No keys. I go back inside, no keys on my key rack. I've cleaned the house this morning and haven't seen them around. Hmmm, I think to myself, looking up at the spacious ceiling of my bright yellow kitchen. I raise my finger to a tricky God/Source of All, give a wink and say, "Bring it on" as I feel my anxiety rise ever-so-slightly.
I take a deep breath, exhale slowly and let the anxiety pass. Where else do I ever put my keys? Yes, I knowingly nod and smile. The hidden pouch of my bag, easy access so they don't get lost in the shuffle of who-knows-what that I carry around each day. (Never knowing what I'll want, I take it all.) I CALMLY stroll, strolling seems calmer than walking :), to my car, grab my bag, and yes, there they are. One for me, tricky, tricky Challenger.
This weekend, I go to my home, Beals Island, to stay with my parents. Always great to be there. Always over-stimulating. Easy to get caught up... "Bring it on... but not too much."
How do I rate this weeks focus? Be calm
Difficulty Level: High
Fun Level: Low
Spiritual Growth?: Most certainly
Have a great week! And look for some blessings... they'll be there. ~ Trish
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Great question-- What am I doing?!?
Currently, I'm sitting in a cushy chair at 12:41 am in Lexington, Massachusetts contemplating three things...
1) Do I really want to put myself out there with a blog seeing as there is the risk of experiencing both dis-interest and rejection from readers?
2) Should I have another little cup of Ooey, Gooey, Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream?
3) What should my first blog say?
Now, a fourth... since I seem to have answered the first three (yes, no, and here it is.)
4) How is it even remotely possible that I am up this late and still functioning?
A partial answer...
I am so very excited about the work of my new job, it is on my heart and mind steadily. (For those of you who don't know, I'm now a formal youth minister... as if teaching isn't youth ministry!) I have a perfect job for me, for now! My task is to uplift youth while inspiring, enlivening, and strengthening people. I pray. I read. I visit with people. I listen and talk over meals, the telephone, and e-mail. We laugh. I experience joy, hope, love, and peace and strive to be JUST THAT, no more, no less, in the world. Sometimes, I get so excited and hopeful, I even get up the nerve to do something I would never have done before... like set up a blog at 12:30 am.
The clock just turned to 12:57. If I go now, I'll be asleep by 1 am. That includes brushing my teeth and going from the living room to the bedroom. I fall asleep SUPER-FAST. I think it is my super-hero ability.
But the freezer (ice cream) is between me and the bed... Good Night!
PS... What are You doing?!? Let me know by "commenting" if you want.
1) Do I really want to put myself out there with a blog seeing as there is the risk of experiencing both dis-interest and rejection from readers?
2) Should I have another little cup of Ooey, Gooey, Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream?
3) What should my first blog say?
Now, a fourth... since I seem to have answered the first three (yes, no, and here it is.)
4) How is it even remotely possible that I am up this late and still functioning?
A partial answer...
I am so very excited about the work of my new job, it is on my heart and mind steadily. (For those of you who don't know, I'm now a formal youth minister... as if teaching isn't youth ministry!) I have a perfect job for me, for now! My task is to uplift youth while inspiring, enlivening, and strengthening people. I pray. I read. I visit with people. I listen and talk over meals, the telephone, and e-mail. We laugh. I experience joy, hope, love, and peace and strive to be JUST THAT, no more, no less, in the world. Sometimes, I get so excited and hopeful, I even get up the nerve to do something I would never have done before... like set up a blog at 12:30 am.
The clock just turned to 12:57. If I go now, I'll be asleep by 1 am. That includes brushing my teeth and going from the living room to the bedroom. I fall asleep SUPER-FAST. I think it is my super-hero ability.
But the freezer (ice cream) is between me and the bed... Good Night!
PS... What are You doing?!? Let me know by "commenting" if you want.
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