Friday, November 14, 2008

New Focus: Seeing God in Others

Hey All,
So I'm the type of person who has no problem admitting to being both totally human and totally made of God. And I believe we all are. I say this because in my humanity, I'm currently driving myself nuts! :-) But I know that God is just around the corner... and still inside me.

I'm actually a very coordinated person, though sometimes my big Cadillac of a body can get muddled. And, I'm quite organized. Well, in the past few days, I've taken to breaking, spilling, and losing things... and not just my own. I was visiting with a terrific family of four in Cape Elizabeth last weekend. Arrived on Saturday to a turkey dinner before their daughter's play that night. They had a place set for me in their goreous home, and it was a lovely meal. As it was ending, and the kids were getting ready to head out the door, I, Sasquatch that I am, made a sweeping gesture and proceeded to knock the full dish of cranberry sauce on to their rug. (The dog was the only one to appreciate this!) The next morning, the Mom took me out to breakfast. She got a coffee to go. As we were leaving, I opened the door for another couple and in a gesture of unnecessary but fun hospitality, waved for them to come right in... promptly hitting my friend's cup of coffee toward her chest. The coffee began to fly, but she caught it, thankfully.

I've forgotten my keys twice and my cell phone twice. One of the cell phone mishaps cost me 60 extra miles of interstate driving. And a little while ago, I knocked a beautiful friendship Willow Tree sculpture that one of my best friend's gave me into the floor. I Gorilla Glue'd her head back on, only to realize as I was looking at her the other day that her hand is among the missing! I burst into a fit of laughter, knowing that I had taken such care with her head.

I have two sayings in my head. One common, "You might's well laugh as to cry." Today, I'm having an easier time laughing at myself. But it's been a frustrating few days, to say the least! I think all the clumsiness is indicative of my Spirit being all jumbled up... I can't seem to get out of my own way. The other saying is one from my grandmother, "Laughing turns to crying." Been there... as you will well know if you've been following the blog. This week's entry is in stark contrast to the last.

Thankfully, I have family and friends and faith. I know that when things are just bananas inside me, God can speak to me from all kinds of other places. Let's take my niece and nephew for example. I was playing with my niece yesterday and had to take off. I said, "How about a hug?" "No," she explained, "I want to play my game." This was fine, but I really needed some love. Tentatively, I offered, "How about a kiss?" She gave me a huge grin and I offered my cheek to receive one of the greatest kisses ever. Thanks Ella, for reflecting God to me. And then my nephew, I called home two nights ago to talk with Mom. I heard him in the background, screaming with glee, "I'm Batman! I'm Batman!" listening to his theme song. Oh, the joy! Thanks, Brev, for reflecting God to me.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and cold weather are on the way. There are so many good organizations in place to assist those who are less financially fortunate. I see enough God (Good) in all that I'm moved to do my part in taking care of this and these beautiful creation(s). And I know, that in looking for God all around, my Spirit will straighten out, too.

Peace and Love, Trish

1 comment:

love is written here said...

Great blog. I'm so thankful for your humaness. love, suz