Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Love it when the Spirit Moves... especially when I get to write and share!

Happy Almost Easter to All!
I believe it was just a couple of blog posts ago when I stated my intent for this whole operation on blogspot. I wanted to provide a place for people to regularly follow "me" (as Youth Ministry Coordinator), my thoughts, my adventures with youth.

There are two major obstacles to that attempt:
1) I am a move "as the Spirit moves" type. I clean, call, go, do, eat, etc.. as the Spirit moves. Although routine and discipline are great for me, I sometimes forego them to my nature... to move and change course and direction as naturally as the wind.

2) For the past 6 weeks or so, I have not been able to keep up with following myself. Mostly, I have followed my car, and Trixie (the female name for my Toyota Matrix; when in his male form, I call him Matthew or Matty... I like to give my car liberties to be whatever I need it to be) has taken it upon herself, seemingly, to turn her wheels to the tune of about 4,000 miles in the past 6 weeks.

The Great News... It seems that my Matrix has been following the Call of a Great Source of Life, Peace, Inspiration, and Wellness. And my ride, in turn, has been tremendous!

8 Quick Updates:

1) My Lenten Journey of Time offered to God has led me to a thankful and unreservedly loving place of Spirit. One of my happiest outcomes has been that I catch myself smiling much more frequently and at odd moments! I hope this is shared with others.
(I should admit that many days I did not complete my original objective of 30 specific minutes of reverie with God... perhaps some might say then that I failed. I don't feel that way AT ALL. When our intentions are pure, our lives are transformed. This, I believe.)

2) Priesthood Retreat in Rhode Island... AWESOME.
Met many new people. Received great suggestions and inspiration for the youth program. Showed off the webpage! Spent more time with "We Share" doc from the church... please read this if you have not. It is worthy of time and reflection.

3) Jr. High Ski Retreat in Freeport... GREAT! 12 kids / 12 - 15 adult helpers
Read all about it and see pics at under the retreat tab.
So fun! And many, I hope all, will be back for camp.
I hear Freeport is getting some youth "stuff" going now! Go Freeport!

4) IYF Bangkok... only about 40 days until Jon and Nate head for Thailand.
In Lexington, we got started on our pilgrimate with them and their super-exciting trip with a family night, Bangkok Trivia Challenge, and a start up to the send-off service. Again, more info about the trip and the guys on youth webpage... Am I repeating myself? I'm telling you, there's lots of info there! =]

5) About half of camp mailings/ invitations for youth to attend are out... the rest will go in a couple of days! (If you know any young people grades 3-12 or anyone willing to help out, get in touch!)

6) April is camp planning month for me and things are coming together. We've still got a long way to go to be fully staffed and ready for youth but the directors of both Camp Winniaugwamauk (me) and Camp Muddy Cove (Kendra King and Matt Schmetz) are hopeful, serious about what we're doing, and extremely excited with maybe a few nerves, for camps this year. There will be many ways to help out listed on the "news and needs" tab at soon.

7) Holy Week classes and church services with Bill Gardner and guest ministry Jan and Allen Kraybill have been, thus far, among the greatest church and worship experiences of my life. Monday in Brewer, Tuesday in Jonesport, and tonight in Stonington... they were meaningful, relevant, thought-provoking, and Spirit-infused. It is a great opportunity to learn from Bill. (I know he signs my paycheck, but he'd sign it even if I said bad stuff about him, I think =] ) I have been reminded of how knowledgeable he is and how much I always enjoyed, as a teenager and in my early twenties, listening to and learning from him. I enjoyed it very much again this week. And Jan.... her gifts are beyond words. She touched my very Soul.

8) American Camping Association Annual Conference in Manchester, New Hampshire and time with Tiverton congregation.
Oh man! This was one of my favorite weekends ever! Loads of ideas for camping and a vision for the youth program is formulating more fully in this brain of mine... many thanks to all those interested and especially all those prayers being offered!

The Spirit has moved, and I have finally written.
I would like to say I'll write again next week. ...
Until next time...
May communities of peace, true love, and joy take shape around you, Trish

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