Abraham Lincoln once said, "I've been driven to my knees many times before by the overwhelming feeling I had nowhere else to go."
I think that Abe Lincoln had a lot more on his plate, so to speak, than I do. Still, I find myself drawn to prayer in a similar fashion. It is a longing, a desire, like I, my soul, spirit, emotions, and physical body, need it for nourishment as much as my body needs water and food. I don't feel complete without it, lately. Probably Old Abe needed it to lighten his "plate", take some of the weight off. I need it to fill my plate so I can take it in. And now, this is probably going to sound really odd... but I'm not just drawn to a couple of quick prayers shot up as I quickly buzz throughout my day. Quite to the contrary...
One time, about 7 or 8 years ago, I had the great privilege of going to an Islamic mosque (I'm quite certain it was called a mosque.) It was meant to be an educational experience. Yes, the girls had to cover our faces. And no, we were not allowed to enter the area where only men are allowed. We watched from an "observation deck" up above. The man in charge spent a great deal of his time telling the men and boys why Islam was superior, as a faith and religion, to Christianity. One of his argueing points was this; "Muslims pray prostrate on the floor, forehead touching, arms outstretched, resting on our ankles, the way the Bible teaches us to pray," he said. As a prayer posture it stuck with me.
So now, as I contemplate and activate prayer and the surge of attraction I have to it, I find myself, at least once a day, in child's position (the yoga term for it) on the floor, for extended periods of time. It is truly amazing how calm, grounded, and centered I feel when I come out of this position. Of course, I can't walk for a few minutes, but it's worth it. So, this is my focus this week. It chose me.
I thought for a few days before writing this post. I thought, this may sound over-the-top, bizarre, not like something a real person would do. Here's the answer I received.
I am me. I am real. This is who I am. If I'm going to truly share my experience with my friends and family, why would I share a fake one? Besides, the sheer joy and profound peace I have found through prayer these past few days is so worth sharing. And so, as I write, I pray for anyone who is reading to have a moment of complete and peaceful self-acceptance.
Amen... So be it.
How do I rate this weeks focus? Prayer
Difficulty Level: Medium High... It's hard to calm down sometimes. Difficult to always know how or for what to pray
Fun Level: Prayer? Fun? Hmm... It makes life more enjoyable!
Spiritual Growth?: Who cares! It feels great!
What a great experience to share with everyone. I don't think I could get down into that position unless I had a rescue team waiting to assist me back up, but I do believe that when I take a quiet, relaxed, motionless, posture in prayer it does bring me to a place of peace. I applaud you for having the courage and maturity to always be yourself. Keep it up!!!
Thanks Trish! You continue to inspire me. I was feeling a little down tonight and I was happy to see your blog had been updated. Keep it coming!...Julee
One of your strongest assets is that you are true to yourself. Sometimes you may feel that you will look foolish or immature by being as you truly want to be. Do not worry, we will know it is you and love you anyway, or more likely, because of it. My son had a great short story to read for school called "Eleven". The theme was "Today I am eleven, but I am also 10 and 9 and 8 and 7...." It is true, we are a culmination of each prior year and all of the joys and sorrows they held. So be proud of all your years and show them when they rise to the surface - it makes life more fun.
I start every work day in child's pose... the breath, the opening, the stillness, the grounding... all such delicious intention to open our awareness for the waking hours.
And, yes, you are an odd duck. I love you.
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